Today's Quote
To live is to think.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thursday, 19 July 2012

I didn't waste any time with Verday

I just couldn't contain myself having opened the parcel!
Why wait until tonight?
This was the first three I painted - but of course they get more coats of paint.

It took me by surprise as for some reason I was expecting the paint to be thick but they were runny which is a good thing as you don't lose the fine detail.
These were the next three - so a better job - and you can begin to see the head is Egyptian on the right
This covered the white rather well.

 This covered well, when I painted it on I did it really thickly - but there are a couple of air bubbles which I had to pop.

Please remember that all these pictures are far bigger than the items themselves, as you can see in a couple of posts previously

 So any little imperfections are magnified!
 These were the last two I painted and have turned out the best so far.
They'll all get at least one more coat or maybe two if they need it - then the patina.

It's fun experimenting.

Looking back at the previous post you can see the vast improvement on the 'naked' ones


sam21ski said...

WOW Lottie, you didn't waste any time getting stuck in there - good for you!!

They are starting to take shape and are looking good.

Can't wait to see the end results.

Sam xxx

fatmonica said...

I love the copper-it really stands out.Look forward to seeing what you make with these.

Christine B. said...

Wow Lottie just had a look back on your blog. You've been making some lovely things. You clever lady. Sorry missed your anniversary, hope you had a lovely time. Hugs x ChrisB

Cath Wilson said...

Looking good, Lottie - love the way they're turning out and look forward to seeing the finished articles :-)