Over on
Time for Crafting They have an online magazine - and a forum which I belong to.
This month's magazine has a down load template for an Accordian NOEL Christmas card - it really took my fancy as it was something different - so I thought I would give it a go. There is also a template for a little envelope - sorry I forgot to take a photo - but you all know what a square envelope looks like don't you?

This white one was made by Sara - who hosts the site - she has run it through an embossing machine.

It gives it a great texture - and looks fantastic in 'real life'
The templates are in GSD and PDF - so use your 'Robo' or similar to cut it out for you - or use the PDF file if you use scissors like me.
Here is my version - I don't have an embossing machine so I improvised.

I followed the instructions and cut mine out using white card - then I coloured it using Distressed Red Brick - by putting some on a non-stick mat, spritzing with water, then dragging the colour onto the letters with a sponge.

Using the same ink pad, I stamped the letters with a pattern, then triple embossed them.

Using the same colour to stamp with, gave it a nice vintage velvet look. Looks so much better in natural light and feels great.
I outlined the letters with a gold pen.

I made some ivy leaves this morning - to put on top of the 'N' and bottom of the 'L' but I decided that I preferred it just the way it was.

In fact I am not evening going to send it to someone - I think I will punch a hole in the top of the first and last letters, add a gold grommit, and some ribbon and hang it up as a decoration.
I might even cut out individual letters - stick them to a length of ribbon and make a garland - if I get time!
So why don't you pop over to
Time for Crafting, have a preview look at the magazine - and have a nosey on the forum - its a very friendly place to visit.