I bought some inks so thought I would play around with them. I haven't tried painting with them before - from pots with a brush! Just used ink pads, alcohol inks, and distressed inks - so this is a new venture for me.
These little Goddesses are smaller than the picture. These were scanned into the computer so look better in real life. And of course the embossing is a lovely shade of Divine Gold from MADJAK designs - a link is in one of the posts further down.
The faces are flesh coloured - some inked and some dusted with pastels - its not so obvious from these scans - with the light from the printer its tends to wash out the colours somewhat.
Its quite a different 'art' painting with inks - and mistakes can't be covered up either - so it takes time and patience - hence doing them over two days - I like to wait for them to dry rather than dry them with a heat gun. These are Ecoline inks.
I think I need to experiment more to get the best out of them - but I am enjoying playing around.