I was so lucky to get these from Freecycle. I have given lots away on that site from a shed to tools, and craft and gardening things.
To get these treasures was amazing.
Some vintage buttons all of which are over fifty years old apparently. Here is just a selection. I have been sitting daydreaming of the person who owned them years ago.
I saw the advert for "buttons and bits" and was so lucky to be one of the three chosen. We went to collect them this afternoon - and I have been drooling over them ever since.
I keep wondering what garments they came from - who was the lovely lady who collected them to 'make do and mend' the family clothes. The centre circular button looks like mother of pearl in the light.
There were metal 'bits and bobs' in the bag too - can you recognize any of them?

Do you know what this is please?
It has what feels like a Bakerlight handle and the metal piece is rusty - but in a wonderful way!

How about this? It feels lovely in the hand.
This had got a long prong on it ending with a hook - do you think I could be a teddy bear's eye? I wonder what happened to the teddy - did it survive with only one eye - this one looks unused.
And what might this well worn star have come off I wonder. It has been well 'touched' hasn't it - oh I am so happy, I feel as though I have an inheritance.
Now take a close look at these buttons - I have never seen any like this before - but maybe you have. They feel as though they are made out of stone -they are quite thick, and are definitely not plastic or metal and are very cold to the touch - any ideas?
They have used the rest - on what I wonder - isn't it all intriguing - and what until you see what else I have
Everything smells so wonderfully musty and old - its like perfume to me!
There is more - just look
This really moved me - the first one has a needle and thread tucked into it. I haven't touched the needle yet - I am saving that special moment for another day. Maybe I can use some of these threads in a vintage piece of needlework - what a treasure.
Now this did make my eyes moist - the nostalgia of someone's mother, grandmother, or maybe even great grandmother holding these scissors. Using those sewing needles, one of which still has a piece of thread in it. Do you recognize the bit of metal in the middle? What is it for I wonder. Are the stubby scissors in the middle made for a specific use?
I have saved the best until last - this tiny fragile decaying box
Look at that - A M A Z I N G!
And this is what was inside..................
Tiny, fragile pieces of material - monogrammed. So this holds a clue to who owned them once I guess - they must have been the family initials.
I have looked up the name of the manufacturer on the web and could only find one mention - which was in someones scrapbook - no photos or anything - and they date they mentioned for them were the 1860's until the early 1900's - if anyone has any information about them I would love to know more.
To have such wonderful treasures is such an honour - I can't believe my luck
Edited too add
I have spent a lovely couple of hours this evening sorting through the bag of buttons (just a few of which I photographed above).
I have had an email from the kind lady who gave them to me - and here is what she said.
The items you have been given belonged to my Son in Law,s grandmother. His father who is now 93 gave them to me, as I have known him for almost 30yrs and still see him each week. So in fact some of the items could be 100 yrs old. The metal tool was I think for pulling the wool or rag through the hook for making a rug. The other with a hook on the end is for lacing up the boots or shoes. The stone buttons were to put in curtains to make them hang properly I believe. The stubby scissors were for toe nails I think and the little corso monograms were some of the family names. I am glad you liked them if you make anything with them I should love to see them. Best wishes Ann"
Wow - how wonderful is that - so some of my questions have been answered for me already! Thank you Ann. Of course, I can't wait to get going on something to include the buttons - a project for next week! And I will email Ann a photo before I blog it - you can be sure of that