The challenge is to draw a face partially hiding the face. The one given as an example was a cartoon person holding big binoculars over the face.
These are my efforts

Top left - the Sci-fi Roman type soldier is wearing a gold painted helmet which looks really shiny in daylight. The squares on the helmet and star on the visor is painted silver so shines too. The rest is painted with several layers of water colour paints.
Bottom left is a deep sea diver. The heavy rubber suit painted with black acryllics to give a matt finish and the mask is painted with luminous yellow paint - so she shows up under water of course! (I saw a similar mask on the internet so got my design for the mask from that.)
Bottom right - soldier in chain mail - and visor which only had slits for the eyes and mouth - again painted with silver paint. The background is several layers of red water colour paint the top layer dabbed to make it look like velvet