Today's Quote
To live is to think.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Happy Daze are here again.................

Oh you are far to young to know that song - and now it's been stuck in my brain since the post lady arrived with my order from Moira at Happy Daze

 I have been lusting after these for a long long time - but couldn't really justify splurging out on them.
Just looking at the 'stuff' in my craft room drawers that have never seen daylight always fills me with guilt.  Am I just jumping on the fever of the latest 'must have' - like the grunge paper and stuff, or the sheets of unused 12" x 12" filling a drawer to the brim.  

Or those stamps - still lying unused in their unopened packets.  To name just a few things1
But I really really will use these, I promise.

I'll  be experimenting on the polymer clay charms to start with - so watch this space.

And talking of charms, whilst online at the Happy Daze Shop.......

Somehow a pile of charms just happened to slip into my basket.

I'll be unashamedly taking moulds of some of them before using the orignals in art.

Do please, I beg of you, nag me, and nag me if they don't start making an appearance on my blog in he next couple of weeks.

Um..... just spotted a problem.........can anyone point me in the right direction to get seme chains and findings to match the antique charms I have bought please?


Anonymous said...

It is my turn to lust after those goodies!
I bought some antique findings from The Fruit Pixie but that was some time ago, not sure if she still stocks that particular patina.

sam21ski said...

Fab when you get happy post isn't it Lottie. Love how those charms just 'fell' into your basket, funny coz that sometimes happens to me too!!!

Sam xxx