A friend Kath, kindly send the me stamped image on this set of four ATC's (I have yet to cut it up).
It immediately made me think of Bollywood and the beautiful Saris and gorgeous colours.
I used alchohol inks - three colours - for the background on glossy photo paper, then added metallic gold ink to give it a lovely warm sheen - hard to see in this scan, so I took a photo which shows it up slightly better.
I used gold mulberry paper torn up to make the framework, and gold and pink gems to pick up the colours. Once again - it looks better 'in the flesh'.
I can't decide if I will do any more to it. I am going to see how it looks in the morning. Then I have to cut it up - on not!
This is a photo and it shows up the gilding a little better - but not all over!