The image from Just Lilla I printed onto fabric and then went to town on her!
I made her dress which took hours - sewed on beads. Her necklace is tiny seed beads and as she is dancing a jig - it is bouncing about around her neck.

It has taken me a whole day so far! I really must buy a proper pattern! The bag took me hours - honestly - I just couldn't work out how I could achieve a bag without any seams visible inside! Lilla has one on her blog, but I just couldn't work out how to do it - I think you must need thin material and lots of it!
Here is how I made it - perhaps someone reading this might enlighten me!
I cut one long strip out of the thick fabric for the bag. One the same size for the cream lining material, and one piece of padding the same size!
I then made a 'sandwich' face down on the bench - padding cream bag material on top right side facing up, then the lining material.
Sewed them up on three sides, leaving one short side so that I could turn it inside out - which I did and pressed it.
I then folded it into three so that I had the body of the bag, and the front panel 'flap'.
What I would like to do is to have all the seams hidden but this way you get tiny seams inside the bag - which doesn't really matter - as they are neat baving been already sewn on the other side.

The material is very thick cream with an embossed pattern in it - almost like tapestry. I got it from a charity shop yesterday - £2.50 for a metre - I should have enough for another bag - maybe two!
When I go into town to college next week - I need to buy some cream cord for the shoulder straps.
I know I am on a BIG learning curve - but I am really enjoying the process - its rather relaxing sewing on beads and bits of material - you have to really concentrate!