My children are really good at saving bits and pieces that they think might come in hand for my 'recycling' sort of life.
The above is made out of thick ribbed card - which came from a Japanese Saki box. They drank the contents - but I got the best bit I think as I don't drink!
The card started off cream with just the big black calligraphy printed on the bottom and the little red block with little calligraphy next to it.
I stained the board with coloured inks, stamped on the top half - the Geisha head and flowers and Japanese calligraphy, then 'tied' it all together by linking it all with gold embossing from top to bottom - giving the allusion of the 'head' now wearing a Kimono.
With the naked eye - you can see lots of gold embossing - on the hair pins, the calligraphy, the flowers, the edging, and between the colours - almost like a gold version of a stained glass window. It looks lovely and golden and bright and the ridges on the box make it look like slatted strips of wood.
Just a bit of fun and experimentation