I had a go at altering some bottle caps. I see one of them has a bit of black on the side - didn't notice it when I made - I must wipe that off!

Why is it that the smallest of things seem to take the longest time to do. I spent several hours over two days. This little one has a photo in it and I have 'bashed' the rim to make a frame. The 'pearl' looks lovely in real life. It came from a necklace that I bought in a charity shop this week. I have looked for months and never found anything suitable. This one had lots of little charms on it - too me ages to get this one off - but finishes it off nicely.

This is another vintage photo - the lady is collaged on to script.
And yes - this is the one I need to wipe off the little bit of black paint. I painted the backs of them black to hide the brand name.