Today's Quote
Every burden is a blessing.
Walt Kelly

Saturday, 23 March 2013

A painted and collaged ATC

Stuck indoors going stir crazy - the snow just won't stop!
So I messed about, messed up and messed about again and created the ATC above.

I was supposed to be trying to do one with the theme of Everyday Things, but kept messing them up so just went with the flow and this is the outcome.

There are 'scraps' of gold in the background and all around the edge - but it's not showing up apart from a tiny glint on the right hand side of the photo - my photography skills are not good!


Deborah said...

That's beautiful, Lottie. Sometimes it's best to just go with the flow (I'm having trouble with everyday things as well, which is why I haven't signed up for it yet).

Paula Whittaker said...

another good ATC lottie....liking the one's shown on UKStampers too.

sam21ski said...

Wouldn't worry about your photography skills Lottie, I think it's more down to the weather!!

Great atc, as Deb says, just go with the flow, don't try too hard and you get the fab results that you've achieved - great job.

Sam xxx

gardenpinks said...

Beautiful ATC Lottie. Fed up with the weather too; thought (and hoping) that we'd avoid the white stuff here in Gloucestershire but it found us. Winter has lasted quite long enough now.
Lynn x

Cath Wilson said...

Beautiful work, Lottie - love this x