Today's Quote
To live is to think.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friday, 20 July 2012

Charms after soaking overnight

Well what a difference a night makes - and what a variety of results!

I am really rather puzzled by the look of them so far!
The iron ones (black leaf, egyptian lady head, and bird head bottom row)  didn't look any different last night - but they are looking rusty now, and the egyptian snake headed lady is really now showing up.  The patina on the other metals is really showing up.   It's a bit scary.  There are 38 hours to go yet, and I haven't a clue what they will look like.  I really want all the raised textures to be shiny and recesses to be patina.   Yikes, I think I best make some more charms to be on the safe side or I'll run out of time!


Netty said...

Am sure they are going to turn out wonderfully, looking great already. Annette x

sam21ski said...

They will be absolutely fine when they are finished Lottie

Sam xxx