Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Monday, 5 March 2012

Making an Egyptian artifact

I have spent the past hour experimenting - trying to turn this

As you will see in the previous post - this is a bright yellow brass charm, with a  hollow back.
I make an impression from the back with polymer clay (having tried the traditional method of covering the front in clay to make a mould - unsuccessfully)
I baked the mould - as in previous post and here is what I have got now
It is a yellow gold in proper outside daylight, but it's looking darker because of the dark light outside.
I didn't want an exact replica of the charm, I wanted mine to look as though it been dug up, knocked about a bit, and aged.

I rubbed it down  with fine wet sandpaper to give it some natural wear and tear.  Then I rubbed black acrylic paint all over it with my fingers and wiped off the surplus.
I used gold rub and buff all over it - and rubbed and buffed it!
Rubbed over some more black acrylic, and repeated the process.
I am pleased with the end result - it looks so much  better in real life - it being gold rather than painted with gold paint.  The raised parts shine and the recessed areas are dull and dark pitted.   

I'll see what it looks like tomorrow and may do a bit more ageing.

This doesn't look like it's polymer clay at all which I am pleased about.  
It's great to experiment.


Paula Whittaker said...

looks good to me but Im a novice to polymer clay....I just baked some studio sculpey for the first time today...Ive had the stuff for nearly 2 years under my desk lol

Deborah said...

I like yours better, Lottie, more organic. And it certainly doesn't look like polymer clay. I'm off to look at the rest of your blog.

BTW many thanks for your comment on my gothic arch. Yes, it is all digital.

Lorraine said...

really love all your experiments in clay they are marvellous.

the art in the bottletops is from my friend Palma...I have put a link to her etsy shop on my blog post if you like the art:)

Lynn Stevens said...

I love making molds and playing with things like this. Great job!
hugs Lynn

Sandies' Patch said...

Oh yes, this is much better than the original! I think this is the best yet of your makes with pc.

Well done Lottie!

Have a great week,

Sandie xx

Motherkitty said...

Wow! I love this! I can't wait to see what you come up with in a day or two.

salamanda said...

This looks like an ancient found object - lovingly restored.

Kaowyn said...

This is very effective. I agree that yours looks much more "real" than the original.

Angelnorth said...

This turned out fab - love the aged and handled look it has with the "edges" smoothed out!