Today's Quote
Every burden is a blessing.
Walt Kelly

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Flower Arranging

I haven't been on a flower arranging workshop for over  three months and it was wonderful to be able to spend yesterday afternoon in a little village hall half an hour or so from here, in lovely company, playing with flowers.

This month Claudine picked a lazy S style - which is one of the most difficult to do.  We all groaned - including Claudine - but we did have fun.

The arrangement took a bit of a battering on the journey home - but hey ho - I still like it.
 Brenda, our tutor, got the flowers for me from a supermarket, and I love the colours.
For some reason, the camera automatically altered this photo when I saved it!  I had to close the blinds and stand the arrangement on the floor as it is very tall and I couldn't get a proper photo of it on the table.   The sun was streaming in, so I stood it on the floor and drew the blinds - they are white not blue!


Sandies' Patch said...

It's lovely, very 'fluid'.
It was probably named after me...Lazy S LOL!

Love the colours too.

Sandie xx

sam21ski said...

Great arrangement Lottie.

I hate it when you take a photo and it changes all the colours, so annoying!!!

Sam xxx

Hilda said...

Fabulous Lottie, as I am a "plonk it in the vase" girl, I can really appreciate the work in this, certainly nothing "lazy" about the creation xxx

Sally said...

Its beautiful Lottie, I can't arrange flowers at all, I do the same as Hilda!

Christine B. said...

Hi Lottie, beautiful arrangement. I hope your eyes are improving. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I am thinking of you. Take care. Hugs x ChrisB

Sandies' Patch said...

Lottie, I'm sorry you can't comment on my blog... I've really no clue when it comes to this stuff! I thought I'd sorted it out!
If at first you don't succeed....ask someone how! LOL!

As for being a nurse and knowing what to do, I'm the same as any one else really, I just moan more about it as I get older. Nest thing I can hear myself saying is , "I'm **yrs old you know!".

Sandie xx

Netty said...

Beautiful arrangement, Annette x