Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Thursday, 3 November 2011

I did it ! - First course under my belt! Jewellery Making

This is my very best friend in all the world.   Last time when I visited her to say our 'Goodbyes' there were some things she asked me to do - and I promised I would.

One of Kath's hobbies was jewellery making - she was brilliant at it - so here is one of the things I am doing for Kath

As if by some miracle a couple of weeks after she passed, a note came with the village magazine announcing a new venture just a couple of miles outside our village - and I went along on their opening day last week signed up for my first lesson at Raggle Taggle Beads, which I had on Tuesday morning.

And this is where I went
 It's on a farm site with some other units
In the peaceful countryside but easy to get to by car
 Deborah - my lovely and very talented tutor
 I literally felt like a kiddie in a sweet shop
But these were all beads!

I took these photos yesterday when I popped back to pick up a few more supplies.

I had the most amazing time - I was so nervous - I left with a blinding headache from all the concentration etc - but with such a joy in my heart.   I wanted to dash indoors and get straight onto the computer to email Kath - as we always did - then it hit me!   But I am sure that she had a hand in all this!  These are my first efforts.
Wire winding - with shaky hands!
I really did have a struggle with these but persevered.   I am not really an earring person, but having made some I think I am hooked.   I chose lovely emerald green glass beads - Kath's favourite colour.  They look so bright in natural light and really glisten and reflect the light.  I can certainly see things wrong with these - but they are my first efforts and the 'not quite right' wiring doesn't show when they are on my ears - and I'll be wearing them with pride thinking of Kath.

Phew - with the first task out of the way, I started to relax a bit and Deborah and I were chatting away easily.  She moved to our village so we had lots of things to talk about.    Here is my next piece of work - rather ambitious I thought - but it's a pendant.  I just love the little magnetic 'clasps' it takes away all that fiddling with awkward fasteners.  Mind you I did get into a bit of a pickle wiring those - I kept dropping them and they attracted the chain so ended up each time with a little pile to prise off.
Would you believe that I photographed this on the same suede cloth as before - but the colour's gone peculiar.   Still learning wirework, I chose this lovely hand painted bead for a pendant.  The painting both sides was painted in pearlised paint - with gold outlines.  I just love it!  Kath and I both bought a set of paints in these very colours!  I used beads top and bottom with the same colours - it's hard to see, but when the light catches them they look luminescent - like looking in a puddle and seeing all those rainbow colours.
I liked the look of these square black beads, as they will go with a lot of my outfits.  I used the pearlised beads again - in blue and green - on the right there are a couple that caught the light but they all look gorgeous and really change colours in the sunshine.  It was quite a challenge making the bracelet - again I am not a wearer of bracelets - just have one very thin platinum one that my son bought me after he got married - and it's on permanently.   This one complements it as it's silver too, and it is so comfortable to wear - quite a challenge measuring up doing the wire work both ends - but I am getting better.  This afternoon I made the little earrings to match - and after downloading a 'how to' set of pictures, I actually found it so much easier.   It does take a bit of practice!
This is a lovely chunky but soft and tactile polymer clay heart which I fell in love with and bought to make my final piece of the lesson

I love it!  I am always rummaging around in my handbag looking for my car keys.  
This heart is so easy to find and feels lovely to the touch.  In the enlarged picture above I can see that I need to bend the loop at the bottom straight!
I bought myself the blue set of tools from Diane - and am going back for another lesson on Tuesday.  The other bits and bobs I have had for years - with the intention for including them in altered art - but never accomplishing it.  It's amazing how much I found when I had a rummage and I can use lots on this hobby.   I have put them all in a tool  box now as you can see - so I can look in here first before buying more stuff!  And I'll be on the look out for junk jewellery that I can turn into a new creation.

Chatting away about different things, I mentioned about the silver clay course I had booked - and by pure coincidence, Diane had met artist at the weekend and had some of her leaflets.  They had stands side by side at an Exhibition in Norwich!  

My lesson was supposed to be an hour - but we were chatting away for so long whilst working - about lots of aspects of jewellery making, and I got to hear/learn about some of the techniques in silver clay jewellery (which Diane can do, so I hope to persuade her to fit some lessons in after the Christmas rush - she's incredibly busy at the moment filling orders etc) Another talent of hers - she has so many in all fields of art and craft - is working with polymer clay - so I hope to twist her arm for lessons in that too next year.

Oops nearly forgot this
 Perfect Scents
 Deirdre's hand made soaps and toiletries.
I used to make soaps and skin creams using, amongst other things, beeswax from the village beekeeper.   Things have moved on quite a bit from when I made them, and I won't have to bulk buy any more now that we have a supplier so near our village - no mail order costs to pay.

So - yes you have guessed - I am booking a lesson to try something new with Deirdre on 16th.

Off to flower arranging tomorrow!


maggie said...

Well done, Lottie. Kath would be so proud of you. I love the beads you chose and you made lovely wearable pieces. Onwards and upwards!


Linda Hart said...

Lovely to see your pics, Lottie. Looks like a lovely shop (and the soap one too). Enjoy the next workshop and tell us all about it please!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift Kath left you with Lottie! A new hobby that gives you fond memories - and the things you made look just fabulous - amazing that you made such beautiful things and it was only your first lesson! xxx :)

Sandies' Patch said...

You'll be making your own beads next....

I've just been fiddling with my waste threads from sewing and thought, bet I can make some beads from these bits with some Angelina fibres and the hot gun... We'll see 'ey?

Glad you enjoyed your classes, you are definately hooked LOL!

Have a great weekend,

Sandie xx

sam21ski said...

Great to see you kept to your promise Lottie. They look fabulous. I just love those emerald earrings, the colour is stunning. That's one thin Kath and I did share, our love of anything green!!

I also love your black cube set. You achieved so much in your first lesson.

Can't wait to see what you make on Tuesday.

Keep smiling - Sam xxx

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for all your kind comments of support. You are all so very kind and I really do appreciate our messages.

No more down in the dumps and negative thoughts - I'm now feeling more positive and am going to make sure that I cram as much in as possible - as per instructions from Kath!

Sally H said...

What beautiful creations, and what looks like shopping paradise! I am sure your friend would be very proud of you. Big hugs x

Ginger said...

What a lovely new hobby Lottie, you obviously have a talent for it. Have happy thoughts and memories. Xx

cockney blonde said...

Fabulous pieces of jewellery Lottie. You should be very proud of yourself and Kath will be smiling on you, x

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Congratulations on keeping your promise to Kath and enjoying yourself. She would be so thrilled with you. Lovely jewelry items and I can feel the excitement you have with your new venture. Continued enjoyment my friend!

Paula Whittaker said...

So pleased to read the positivity and excitement you have for your new found hobby...looks like you had a very productive and enjoyable time!

moonstruckcreations said...

What a beautiful way to remember a dear friend.


Cath Wilson said...

Wow Lottie! Gorgeous, gorgeous jewellery. Your friend must be proud of you. You certainly brought tears to my eyes, reading about your friendship. I have a friend like that and we only meet every few years or so - once 20 years apart - but she is so precious to me and I know she feels the same way about me. These are the kind of friends we really, really miss. You've really honoured her by your post - what a great tribute! Cath x

Christine B. said...

Hi Lottie, Kath will be so proud of you. She's given you a lovely new hobby and you've made such stunning creations on your first lesson. They are all beautiful.
I'm proud and so pleased for you, that your kept your promise to her and you are feeling more positive. I look forward to seeing what you make in the next lesson. Love and hugs x ChrisB

Hilda said...

I am lost for words Lottie - Kath was definitely guiding you to make such wonderful creations, cannot believe it was your first lesson!!!So pleased you are feeling better - may it long continue. Hugs, H xxxx

Alison said...

What a lovely thing you are doing Lottie, to fulfil your friend Kath's wishes. She would be proud of you! Jewellery making is such a satisfying hobby, I can see you are already loving it. I wish there was a shop like Diane's near to me! x

Anonymous said...

How lovely that you can continue Kath's hobby. I know from personal experience what joy jewellery making can give you. And your first lesson's work is very impressive. But oh dear, you are going to need so many beads and things now. I made the mistake of buying mixes to start with and found that there were 3 beads that I wanted to use so had to buy more mixes until I had enough for my project, lol. xx