Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Odd sized art

Well I have made a start by  joining in an 'odd sized art' swap.   The size I found awkward to do -
13.5cm x 6.5cm.

It's a three for three swap.
For 'Auriculas' above I glued a vintage book page onto thick card and built up the layers.

This one has a vintage print, which I framed in a faux wood frame (it's made of cardboard and I have layered on different coloured inks until I got the effect I wanted.)  It's meant to convey a picture on display in an art gallery in France - hence the vintage type faded 'wallpaper' it's displayed on.

I stamped the backing paper, used a torn image from an old newspaper stamped across the bottom, added a small stamp in the bottom left hand corner - and just had to use the sentiment stamp I found in a bag of old mixed rubber stamps - it really appealed to me.

They went in the post this afternoon - and I made another one for me later.
( I don't think I have much if any of my artwork - I seem to join in swaps and send it all off!)

I have just finished the above for myself.

Inked and stamped paper (a Crafty Individuals letter stamp).  A torn vintage image, a row of lace top and bottom which I coloured to tone in with the paper - and the paper flower which I coloured dark brown but looks rather red in the photo just to finish it off.

Thank you Sam for the nudge and the lovely RAKS tags you sent me, I really appreciate your kindness


Paula Whittaker said...

They look fab Lottie!

Ginger said...

Great to see you crafting again Lottie. looking forward to seeing your beaded creations. These look like your mojo is returning. Glad you seem a little happier, thinking of you C x

Magpie's Mumblings said...

These are all great - I couldn't pick a favourite because they're each special in their own way. It's funny how we find it difficult to work in sizes outside our norm.

Createology said...

Looks like this size suits you perfectly as these art pieces are wonderful. Happy creating...

replicawatchessale said...

Wow ,they are so beautiful!

Christine B. said...

Wow Lottie these are stunning. I love all of them. So glad to see you crafting again. I am off to the hospital today for my results. Looking forward to seeing your beading.Have a good day. Hugs x ChrisB

Unknown said...

Thank you all so much for your comments.

I really need to get back into crafting - it's so easy to lose one's skills through neglect - or maybe it is confidence.

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Oh swoon.
Love the layers, the colours and the vintage style.

lori vliegen said...

there's nothing like a good challenge to get you back at your art table!! you've created some beautiful artwork here......i know that the recipients of your swap will love them!! xoxo

Ati said...

Maybe it is an odd size but your cards are stunning !!

Lorraine said...

like all these vintage pieces. I reckon you would be excellena at doing watercolours..The dvd I have been following from the library is Frank Clarke painting with watercolours and acrylics..wonder if your library has got it

ShabbyChicShaz said...

Your work is lovely. I've found my way to your blog via Carole at Mess and Madness and I'm so glad I did. Like you I seem to have no artwork of my own, it all seems to go off for swaps, so good that you took time to make some for yourself :)

Cath Wilson said...

Beautiful work, Lottie. Lovely to see you creating again x