I never knew there were actually needle books - and have just googled and looked up some links - and now feel rather embarrassed as this is nothing like they should be!
So in future I will make a 'proper' one - with padding etc. but until then - this one will serve it's purpose!

After peeling off the labels I just had to make something with some of the material samples - and this is what I made. But it almost never got started as when I took my sewing machine out of the case and plugged it in, it just wouldn't sew. The needle would not go up and down and the machine just made a whirring noise.
I was really puzzled as it worked the day before. I thought perhaps I had 'messed it up' sewing the bag and its' thick lining together.
I just could not work it out, and was very disappointed to say the least - thinking that I would have to try and find a mechanic to look at it.
Then I read the leaflet - and had a 'light hulb' moment - and hey presto it worked.
There is a 'thing' at the top where you fill up a bobbin, and it must have got knocked when I took the lid off. I clicked it back into position - and I was off!

Once again, no pattern, just one of my ideas having seen the sample materials, and wondering what to do with them - these were the plainer.
I found in my plastic box that I had all sorts of odd needles - not in anything - which is not very clever is it. Really thick ones on the left.

And overleaf a few that are 'sizes 3 to 6 sharp' That made me laugh, all the needles are 'sharp' I have the marks on my fingers to prove it after making the bag.

On the right is a semi-circular needle - I have tucked in the point as it is very sharp. I haven't a clue where it came from, I certainly haven't used it - and have no idea why one would need a needle that shape - can anyone enlighten me please?

Here is the back of the little case and..........
The front cover.

It looks very textured in 'real life' and the colours are lovely. Not a needlewoman's work of art - just a fun project by a beginner.
I did an image transfer onto a scrap of cream cotton. I coloured it with Promarkers, and used grey to go over the stems and poppy centres. I am not even sure that there were any poppies - I just painted them in! Ditto the yellow - I just painted them the colour of winter Jasmine! I know that poppies bloom in summer and not at the same time as the yellow winter shrub - it's called 'artistic licence' methinks!
The 'trim' was a free sample which came with a magazine ages ago. It was something that I never found any use for in my paper arty crafty work - but it looks fine on here. In natural light you can't see the glue strip which you can in the photo, and I have stitched it here and there to keep it on.
It was a totally fun thing to make and play with - and now at least my needles are all together in one safe place. They might even get used now that I have started 'sewing'.
I recently did a bit of genealogy research, and discovered that my mother was a trained seamstress - so perhaps I may have inherited some of it in my genes LOL - at least it is nice to think I might.
You did a great job on the needle case. Funny how machines have minds of their own. Me and my serger are never in sync. lol
Curved needles are commonly used in upholstery work which my grandmother and mother did lots of. I think seamstress is definitely in your genes. :o)
Lovely work, I wouldn't have known you were a beginner. My Mum was a dressmaker and tried her best to get me interested, but now she's no longer with us, I would have loved to have sewn with her. xx
What a clever idea for a needle case, I seem to recall making one of that when I was at school. Must have another go. Gorgeous and practical - perfect!
This is a lovely idea and so pretty!
Lesley x
what a great little item...I like this -might try this out for myself as I havent used my new machine yet!
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