Saturday 3 October 2009

Autumn Warmers

You know it is Autumn and cold because I get out the slow pot cooker.

Add lots of home grown veggies,shallots, lots of tomatoes and a brace of pheasants and four hours later..............

Cooked - Free food from a farmer friend who doesn't like them - well we do! Served with fresh home grown potatoes, calabrese, Cherokee trail of tears beans, and carrots - warms the cockles of my heart on a cold day like this.


Anonymous said...

scrummy scrummy

Sally H said...

My mouth is watering! If we lived closer I'd be round for my tea!

Claireabelle said...

looks delicious!

LazyKay said...

Oh, these look yummy Lottie!

I LOVE free food. No rabbits this year though as they have mixy unfortunately.

Your recipe looks lovely - I'll have to beg that from you for when the family visit (too big for one meat eater in the family tho')


Moira said...

You are so unfair tantalising us with that food and what do I have to look forward to huh! Well nothing that delicious for sure, you big meaney!

Teena Vallerine said...

oh YUM!! Now I'm hungry! t.x

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

This looks so gooooood! I'll be right over.
Hugs,Pat....drooling on her way....