Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Requested by Maggie - the other end of my studio

Well you saw the 'best' side in my last post - this other end still needs sorting out
Ok - here goes - starting from the left.
My computer workstation - minus a computer - but cluttered up with curtains that need sorting out, and on the top shelf a picture I bought in Cyprus many many years ago and I can't decide whether to throw it or keep it!
Below and in front are - left to right - a folded up easel, my sewing maching, and a box of craft stuff for the charity shop.  Then my grandson's rocking horse in front of the side door.
 On my desk are my work in progress - polymer clay items - being polished with sandpapers, and of course my halogen oven for baking them in, and a desk 'daylight' light and magnifier.
 Various pots of pens and paintbrushes etc
Underneath is all my flower arranging equipment, mainly in big plastic roll out boxes but a some bags of things too big for the boxes.

Not too bad I don't think!