Yesterday I braved the snow and blizzard to get to the end of my garden to do some crafting in the 'studio'.
I spent quite a few hours trying out new techniques - then trying to rescue them - only for them to end up worse - and in the bin.
Today the snow has gone, the sun was shining, and after walking into the village to post some letters and get some milk, I intended to spend time again 'playing' and see if today would be more productive.
I posted the letters - the village shop still had no milk and no idea of when they would get some, and on the way back I slipped on black ice (no warning or icy puddles) and crashed to the ground. Phew it knocked the wind out of me - but no bones broken, lots of bruises, and now I am stiffening up.
After lunch I decided to pay a visit to Jo Capper-Sandon - to see if she could inspire me to make something.
Not in real life silly - but in February's Craft Stamper - yes I am still reading it. Over and Over.
I wanted to make some ATCs - but instead I had a go at this.
I had to do a heck of a lot of improvising of course, as I didn't have the stamps or other bits and pieces.
So I started out with one of these
I painted it with thick white Gesso - which gave it some texture. Then I tried to get similar colouring with some little ink pads.
My tree stamp came from here and is a different size from Jo's by the look of it.
I didn't have a bird stamp, so drew those on, neither did I have the lovely butterfly stamp - so I found one in a magazine, cut it out, added pink ink, and embossed it - it looks paler and pinkier in daylight.
No Sentiments stamp - so I typed up something relevant as I looked out of the window, on my computer and cut it out.
No gauze ribbon so that will have to wait until I go into a town -that might or might not have a haberdashery shop - ditto the lace. So I have improvised for now with a bit of fibre - but it is too heavy I know.
I want to make one tag a month - and on the reverse put an 'Inspirational Quote' or even two from here where there are 65 of people's favourites.
The idea is to force myself to try something 'new' to me, and also to have a collection to hand of lovely quotes too.
Once it is finished I will add some pretty ribbons and fibres to hide the O wires.
Sometimes when ideas just won't come, or you are feeling a bit 'down' perhaps - it is nice to get out the magazines and have a go at something I think. Far better to feel good at achieving something, than feeling fed up because you can't.
So am I being a Copy Cat? I like to think the magazines are there to inspire us to do something we might not have tried otherwise. Well the inexperienced people like me!
Then, having produced something half decent - it kinda spurs you on to try other things and give you ideas. Well it does me. Or else I might give up altogether if I don't improve bit by bit.
This month's magazine is out again Friday - and my village shop has mine on order each month - I can't wait!