Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Vintage Lotto

I go to college once a week and whilst in the town usually take advantage of wandering around the charity shops - and today - in my opinion - I struck lucky

I was thrilled to find this little box - tatty, brown with age - but I loved it. I don't know how old it is - but I am guessing maybe in the 1950's and can picture a little family, mum, dad, children, playing this on a Sunday afternoon in winter.

The lady in the charity shop seemed amazed at my being so enthralled at such tatty old junk. They had had it valued, and if the box had been intact and in good condition i.e. as new - it would have been worth something - but as it was - it was just junk.

Look at all the little cardboard numbers - dozens of them - and the lotto playing cards - I think they are brilliant - and those tiny circles for covering up the numbers you have called out!

These are destined to be used in my art work.

Genuinely old - not printed or tinted - but wonderfully aged - a bit like me really LOL