I used a couple of old pieces of sheet music from a little French book I found in a charity shop.
This and the following one is made using the music to Marseillaise - hence the colouring.
I used a MADJAK stamp from (Linda) at blumoth1971@hotmail.com for the face. The colours are inked and there is a lot of texture and embossing which does not show up sadly.
This is another section of the above sheet, inked colours, embossed edging,and the red roses have swirls of embossing, again which does not show up in the photo.
The last two are on very aged French music scores, the top has a mask and hat which is painted and embossed - and edged with 18ct Krylon pen which looks lovely in daylight - and mirrors the aged gold embossing on the mask. I saw the mask and hat in a book I was reading about the French Revolution so decided to draw and paint both for this.
The last one is a stamped image of a vintage lady, aged to look as though it is on a piece of reclaimed paper from that era.
The border is really textured like an old wooden picture frame, which I created using 'No Nails' mixed with acyclic paint until I got the colour I wanted.
These have now been received in USA so I can at last post them on here.