Monday, 30 September 2013

Textures House Book

Well I am still soldiering on with my house texture pages which we are showcasing on the Cardmaking Paradise Forum.

Here is another example for the 'Buttons, bits and bobs' textured house

I had to scan it as my batteries were flat in my camera - doh!  
The face was an image transfer onto mount board for the back of the frame.
The front I cut out a scalloped aperture, then covered the whole of the area with tile sealant - which was the only glue type 'stuff' I had to had that I could smooth on thickly to take the different depths and sizes of buttons and other 'junk' bits and pieces.

  I smothered them all with metal paint - just and old cheapo I have had years which is running out now - yikes.  When dry, I highlighted it with silver rub and buff, the mounted it on top of the image transfer which I had covered with a piece of 'overhead slide transparency cut to size.

It's stuck together with double sided sellotape

The cover page
 One of the metal pages
 More to come later
It looks so much better in real life!