Saturday, 5 December 2009

Birthday cards and pressies from internet friends

Here are some quick photos of the gorgeous cards and presents I received yesterday.   I wanted to scan them in individually, but its manic here, so I just can't fit the time in.

I took these last night so they are not as bright as they are in daylight.

Aren't they fabulous - I am still on a 'high'

These are a bit better to see

 I just find it amazing that all these people spent so much time making these just for me - and I haven't even met most of them - I am truly humbled - but with a huge grin on my face.  I am taking them all with me when I visit my sons on Monday - I know they will be amazed!

Ok I know that the one in the middle is a Christmas card and the one on the end is a Thankyou card, but they all came on my birthday (or maybe before because Patrick was hording them) and they have all be made just for me.   The one of the left is a photograph (by a famous artist where my friend lives) mounted inside the card.  I first met her on a 'chicken' forum and we have been friends ever since and we meet up when they visit Norfolk.  I would love to meet up with all my other internet friends all living in far flung places.

The 60 card is from the owner of the Time For Crafting Forum which I am a proud member of, and I just had to include the picture that Luke sent me - he is 4 on 23rd December and getting very good at drawing.  Haruko wanted him to use other colours but he was most insistent that he wanted these - red and green - very Christmassey I thought.

With all this inspiration, I will have absolutely no excuse now to avoid making cards.  And I now have a great reason - lots of like minded friends to send them too.   Next week I am going to make time to make myself a birthday book - and I want lots of names and dates to put in it.  I shall put lots of pages in it too - ever the optimist - with the intention that my internet list of friends will grow and grow.

Must dash - so much to cram into the next five days!