These were all monochrome photos to start with!
Having been posed in a Victorian studio, I wanted to 'blur' the fact so have altered this photo and the others, for a 'Vintage Bathing Beauty Swap' but I am not sure that they will be right for it.
The seal I stamped on - to add a bit of fun - it came from USA, I quite like the way that the the foaming sea in the background gives a nice natural seal-like texture to its back.
This one is another 'posed' photograph. I have added layers and layers of mulberry paper to give it texture and to represent a foaming sea. I spent a lot of time colouring and shading these photos - and especially the mulberry paper otherwise it would have looked flat. The stamp I used came from America.
Here is the last one - I hope they are not too 'arty farty' for the swap.
Another Victorian photo which I have 'messed about with' to make it look all wishy washy to give the feel of the seaside.
It was originally a studio shot with a plain background and she was sitting on a chair - the shoes are a giveaway clue!