Saturday, 7 November 2009

I should have told you Vincent - Sorry

Well I took your advice ladies and just played without a care in the
world at how the finished art work turned out ! I think it fits the Created by Handchallenge this week.

A hessian/canvas shopping bag - and this is how it started
I painted a square-ish border
I then transferred one of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings onto it.

And then I erm, painted over lots of it with mixed acryllics

It was just to make it look more like an oil painting
(Click on photo to enlarge)

But then, in natural light the border looked really 'naff'
So I painted over the border again.
And it ended up like this....

The dark marks are where some drips plopped down off a tree above
But they have dried out now.
I think I need to tone down the Vincent Van Gough nameplate now.

That looks better and the wet 'drip' is now dry

I feel a sunflower coming on Vincent - don't turn in your grave
after all, it's only a shopping bag!

Oops - he surely will be - I spelled his name wrong! The good thing about painting is I can just paint over it and do it again!


Oh dear - I have inadvertently rejected a number of your kind comments on my canvas bag post below.  Somehow a couple of spam messages had got through - those not nice ones - and when rejecting them 'it' rejected the rest of the comments.

Huge apologies - and thank you to those who left comments overnight.