Monday, 10 November 2014

Heather Powers Bon Bon bead workshop

Well - you have seen Heather's Bon Bon beads in the last post below (sigh) and here are my first efforts.  They have taken me most of the day to create - and as you will see I need so much more practice!

This should,  have another layer of leaves but it was the last one I made and was worn out!  It is a really small bead so it doesn't matter - these are my practice ones!
I was rather proud of the cane I made for the leaves though!

These are not my Christmas Bon Bon beads - these are my practice ones.
These should all technically have two layers of leaves but I messed up my leaf canes and didn't have enough.
This doesn't look this bright in real life - this photo makes it look like slices of bacon and salami.

These look so much better in real life - not so shiny and bright.
They have been baked, treated with burnt sienna paint to dull them down and to give definition, rubbed and buffed, and finished with Renaissance Wax to protect them and then buffed until they shine!   But none of it you can see in the photos.  Hey ho!