I haven't had time to make any ATCs these past few days - too much going on at home and up the allotment - but today I almost finished my piece of jigsaw puzzle.
It is approximately 6 inches by 6 inches - huge for me when I am used to working on little works of art!

So those of you not familiar with Altered Art will probably be puzzled as to why on earth I would would to make a piece of jigsaw puzzle.
The idea is to create a unique puzzle and work of art, but engaging fellow artists whose work you greatly admire, to each alter a piece of puzzle, (Oriental was the theme for this) each using their interpretations - and colour schemes.
This was my first ever altered art and I found it really difficult - I am on a learning curve!
The photos or scanning do not show up how it really looks - which is a shame.
The whole thing is covered in layers of enamel which give it a lovely textured look - and there is a sprinkling of tiny gold glitter - which is really subtle in reality and just catches the light when you move it.
Here are close ups of sections.

A tiny part of a print, which I have painted over to suit my colour scheme - and added a background and foreground to represent the Cherry Blossom celebrations at this time of year. She is sitting on a carpet of red cherry blossom petals.

Textured gold paper, collaged together with a piece of parchment sumo wrestling poster aged, and I have drawn in ink some bamboo stalks - again all enamelled.

A small piece of 'Crane' paper that came from one of my son and daughter in law's wedding envelopes. Again I have painted it to suit my colour scheme.

A collaged wistful Geisha - the shadows on her face are made by the enamel which is shiny and does not look like shadows in real life.

I recently traded ATCs with Momiji (you can see these on my Allotment Lady link under ATCs swapped). Included in the envelope she sent me some little origami hearts she had made, which was so sweet of her - I just had to include one in my jigsaw puzzle. I added the calligraphy. You can just make out that it is raised and shiny where it is covered in the enamel.

Here some tiny pen and ink work I did - again now covered under the enamel.
I want to add some ribbons, but am leaving that until I get all the pieces back - so that I can colour co-ordinate them.
I think, when I do my next piece, I will have a bit more confidence and a bit more of an idea how to do things.
I will let you all see the finished puzzle pieces when they all arrive.