Thursday 26 January 2012

Monsieur Moth - update

Thank you for all  your wonderful comments and suggestions on how to fix a 'hangy' thing to turn my moth into a pendant.

I didn't drill it - too scary.

But whilst searching for some charms to create moulds out of  (the shop only had teeny weeny ones)  I did spot a teen weeny charm that I thought would be ideal for a fixing - so here it is!

The light is not doing the back any favours - as it's showing a close up of every little thing.  When making something as complicated as this - and with several 'firings' you just can't get the back totally smooth - there are too many elements - and even if it looks smooth when you bake it - it never stays that way.  The solution is to sandpaper it - but as this was fragile and with so many curves, I have just left it.

I might give it another coat of paint at the back - but realistically no one will see the back!


Sandies' Patch said...

A brilliant solution Lottie!

Where there's a will....

Sandie xx

Anonymous said...

You are right, no-one will see the back and it makes it all the better for glueing the charm to as it will hold better. Brilliant idea. xx

sam21ski said...

Fantastic xxx

Raggle Taggle Beads said...

Glad we could help Lottie :)

ScrappyDandyDoo said...

Lottie, i have had a scroll back to see him in all his glory, he is magnificent!!! I'm loving your polymer work, i'm just starting to play with it again too :D
Julie xx