Thursday 6 November 2008

Works in progress - Bamboo Tiles/Dominoes

I haven't been able to do a single bit of crafting today - but I have not been idle - I have been working on these for a few days on and off. Still a long way to go yet until they are finished.

I have some lovely images on CD - Vintage of course - so I just had to use them - but trying to resize one by one was a nightmare!

You would have laughed if you had seen my final attempt - cutting and pasting them into word, then reducing them and measuring them on the screen with a ruler - so time consuming!

The Christmas ones I am going to turn into tree decorations I think

Here are some works in progress - which have had to be left for 24 hours after their last coat of Shellac. I still have the reverse sides to do.

Sorry that the photos are a bit rubbish - its the glare from the foiling - should have waited until daylight.

I will remember to take them in sunshine - if we get any - when they are finished with all their dangly bits.

Some people call them tiles sometimes people advertise them as bamboo dominoes - but whatever you call them - they are adorable little bits of wood to alter.


ju said...

Just stunning! x

Mrs Mac said...

These remind me of rows of Christmas chocolates :)

Anonymous said...

What a goreous xmas tree your going to have with these little beauties adorning them!

Momiji said...

love these little christmas treasures! so nostalgic..

Kathy said...

oh my word, these are just beautiful

Unknown said...

Thank you - they aren't finished yet!

joanne wardle said...

all of your bamboo tiles are gorgeous!! I can't wait to see your one powerful hour piece.

crafty creations said...

They are fantastic!!!!!!

Zuzu's Blog said...

Oh WOW excelent .. what a beautiful set Lottie.. good work :-)

sam21ski said...

WOW Lottie, these will look stunning when you've finished them xxxx

Claireabelle said...

These are stunning Lottie!! Certainly worth all your hard work

Shairon said...

Absolutely fabulous, Lottie. I just love them all. Where DO you get your imagination?