Thursday, 23 August 2007

Shape of things to come

I have had a bit of a famine arty crafty wise - due to lots of commitments - both family, friends, chickens, and allotment - but as rain forced me indoors for a couple of days I managed to make these for an ATCards swap entitled 'Shape of things to come'.

The idea is that you take an ATC sized card and change its shape - so long as it is within the ATC size of 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

This triangular one was made by painting a sheet of paper different shades of green - limes mainly.

When dry I mounted it on thick card, cut out the triangle and stamped on the face.

Next I textured it with glue and then clear embossing powder heated with a heat gun. The top of the triangle I used distressed style yellow embossing powder, then a fine dusting of UTEE.

With the naked eye it looks and feels like leather, with smooth and rough surfaces. To finish off I ran an ink pad along all the edges.

1 comment:

Mike.LMP said...

looks great Lottie I'm sure LK would adore it (i know it's not for her) .......Green being her favourite colour

great work m'lady