Sunday 21 March 2010

If you wonder what I am up to when I am not crafting

You can see here  I am working my socks off up my allotment - growing my own fruit and vegetables - plus messing around in the garden with the chickens.


sam21ski said...

You'll start to reep the rewards of all your hard work soon Lottie xxx

LazyKay said...

LOL reminds me of a project in the next village to me where they encouraged people to show their crafts - it was called 'what I do when I'm not watching TV!' altho' I don't expect you're getting much time for that atm.


Sandies' Patch said...

Pat is a lucky lady!
Thank you for sharing, you are a mine of information, so often you see these paintings and ache to know more about the subject or artist.
Best wishes,
Sandie xx