I have been plagued with this Bursa for so long, injections haven't worked (the consultant said that they might not, and the last ones haven't) I think it has addled my brain!
I am back to square one! doing physio three\four times a day, and back to not being able to drive, which is a real nuisance when you live in a village and want to go into town! In fact, since Mr L bought me the car, I have only driven it once! But although I am a virtual "prisoner", I can't complain about the "prison and surroundings"
It's an absolute gorgeous village that I live in, it has a little store with a part time post office, there's a fabulous pub, doctors, butcher, newsagent, furniture shop, chemist, two places to eat, 2 hairdressers,
doctors, baker's, and more! But, I need help with my computer, my son is in Japan with his family and away for a few weeks so I am expert less! (and there are none that I know of here)
So, until I work out what I have or haven't done, "it's only words, and words are all I have......" as the great song goes!
I've digressed sorry........
We needed help to move our shed (made of tin) which was tucked away by one side of the bungalow where the boiler and oil tank are. . (We have three entrances to our garden, as it is wide rather than long very handy)
Our really, really, oil fired central heating boiler, despite years of resuscitation, finally gave up the ghost! It was very thoughtful of it to wait until the warmer weather (you do realize that if it wasn't for my hours of begging each day for sunshine, and warmth, you might not be enjoying the summer that we are having! (Sorry, I'll leave out the back story of plumbers in laws)
The plumber is now coming on Monday, yes this Monday (fingers and toes and everything else crossed)
So we had to move our metal shed that is round that side of the bungalow to make room for the chap to work safely (I know what you are thinking but the original gargantuan old boiler is at the other end of the bungalow, hence the lovely space we had for the metal shed!
God blessed us with a dry day, and I slathered on my thick white cream, and covered all my extremities etc against the sunshine. (Longer story short) Conifer hedging stuck out too far to get the shed through without dismantling it (never again will I help erect a metal shed in a bad winter, holding the frame up on my own in freezing rain, whilst the men were in the cosy garage trying to work out the instructions (Sorry, I digress, it would have been easier with the photos!)
Long story as short as I can make it...........the conifer hedge was in the way! Soooo a quick (ish) trip home to the other end of the village for the chain saw, and big trailer! All started to go well. albeit dusty and dirty) until we discovered that our absentee neighbour, had tied up his 6ft tall fence (posts) to the trunks of our (inherited, ancient conifer trees! So now we have a beautiful section of our garden with tall, unsightly conifer trunks, BUT, we don't have to look at them as our garden room extension hides most of them, for now!
At last the metal shed could be lifted high above the boundary, (by the three of us) and settled in the far corner behind the tall silver birch tree, and makes a nice feature of it) And surprisingly the shed was incredibly light and makes a nice feature of where the compost bins were! It's screwed down onto it's base, and I have already put the gardening tools in it that I use regularly, and some planted up pots around the front and side to make a feature of it!
One weary happy bunny, keeping her fingers crossed that it might deter the neighbourhood cats from using it as through route to get the neighbour's and making her dog go bonkers!
Thank you for popping by! I am off to solve the puzzle of missing photos!
Lotties Artful Journey
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Where have I been?
Well for a year now, I have been out of action due to an accident in my garden! (I know, it's ridiculous isn't it!) I have had a "Cook's Tour" of Norfolk hospitals for tests and Xrays and procedures, but Hey Ho nothing has worked yet.
It's not life threatening, but it means that I can't drive, can't walk far, and in pain with a Bursa in my right leg/hip! If it had been my left leg, then at least I could have driven my car, as Mr Lottie bought me an automatic. (But I am not wishing anything to damage my left left leg) Scans, Xrays, injections, didn't work. I can't even walk far and I so loved my 3-4 mile walk most days. I have had to give up my allotment, so that blog is now dormant!
But today I got the most wonderful package from the USA from Heather Powers. of Humblebeads, and it has really lifted my spirits, so much so that tomorrow or Monday I will post them on here, and show you, and then you can see what I create with them over the coming weeks.
Got to dash and have some lunch before we whizz of to my appointment today. At least the hospital is in Norwich is not so far way!
Back tomorrow with the goodies I have bought (thank heavens for the internet!)
It's not life threatening, but it means that I can't drive, can't walk far, and in pain with a Bursa in my right leg/hip! If it had been my left leg, then at least I could have driven my car, as Mr Lottie bought me an automatic. (But I am not wishing anything to damage my left left leg) Scans, Xrays, injections, didn't work. I can't even walk far and I so loved my 3-4 mile walk most days. I have had to give up my allotment, so that blog is now dormant!
But today I got the most wonderful package from the USA from Heather Powers. of Humblebeads, and it has really lifted my spirits, so much so that tomorrow or Monday I will post them on here, and show you, and then you can see what I create with them over the coming weeks.
Got to dash and have some lunch before we whizz of to my appointment today. At least the hospital is in Norwich is not so far way!
Back tomorrow with the goodies I have bought (thank heavens for the internet!)
Monday, 10 November 2014
Heather Powers Bon Bon bead workshop
Well - you have seen Heather's Bon Bon beads in the last post below (sigh) and here are my first efforts. They have taken me most of the day to create - and as you will see I need so much more practice!
This should, have another layer of leaves but it was the last one I made and was worn out! It is a really small bead so it doesn't matter - these are my practice ones!
I was rather proud of the cane I made for the leaves though!
These are not my Christmas Bon Bon beads - these are my practice ones.
These should all technically have two layers of leaves but I messed up my leaf canes and didn't have enough.
This doesn't look this bright in real life - this photo makes it look like slices of bacon and salami.
These look so much better in real life - not so shiny and bright.
They have been baked, treated with burnt sienna paint to dull them down and to give definition, rubbed and buffed, and finished with Renaissance Wax to protect them and then buffed until they shine! But none of it you can see in the photos. Hey ho!
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Heather Powers Bon bon beads - they look good enough to eat
Look at this aren't they amazing? I just had to sign up for this course. I know what you are thinking (That I haven't finished the course that I am currently on) but it doesn't matter! Once you have one of Heather's causes you have it for life! Access to the website, all the videos, all the worksheets and print outs - everything - which is brilliant for those leading busy lives - or just oldies like me!
We are getting to make ALL of these or any combination or even just one sort - it's up to us. And like the other course - we get videos, print outs almost like a book or magazine. I have already printed out all the course work and inspiration for the last course - so just look when I am not at the computer.

Have a look at the site and tell me which ones you like the best - there are so many different ones - they look good enough to eat - and I just can't make my mind up which to make and I need to get a wriggle on and order some more colours.
Thanks for reading - and watch this space next week!
We are getting to make ALL of these or any combination or even just one sort - it's up to us. And like the other course - we get videos, print outs almost like a book or magazine. I have already printed out all the course work and inspiration for the last course - so just look when I am not at the computer.

Have a look at the site and tell me which ones you like the best - there are so many different ones - they look good enough to eat - and I just can't make my mind up which to make and I need to get a wriggle on and order some more colours.
Thanks for reading - and watch this space next week!
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Update on Heather Powers amazing online Cane making course.
I have been beavering away at Heather's fantastic course - in between 'life's events' as usual. Never enough hours in the day!
I can honestly say that I have never taken such an in depth course in all my life! It's a four week course - but once you have subscribed it stays up forever! And I for one will need it too.
The amount of videos showing clear step by step instructions have to be seen to be believed. So much better for someone like me to actually see 'live' how to create each stage of the cane rather than just reading about it! Each project not only comes with videos, but print outs too showing every single stage - an absolute boon for me with a hearing loss! Heather shares all her 'tips and secrets' and there are pages and pages of step by step full colour course notes, with professional photos of each stage. It's awesome - to think that it has taken her years to evolve and develop her amazing techniques through trial and error and she is generously sharing then with us. I have a lever arch file of her A4 pages of instructions - stage by stage - of colour photos for each element and project. Lots of internet links, 'recipes' for each project, inspiration links, mood boards - finished projects with the beads etc.......the list is more than I can type here!
So what I have I been making - well as a beginner - a lot of mess! My old bent fingers aren't as user friendly as they used to be, so my dragon fly cane ended up looking like a squished mosquito. But never fear, I will try again and the polymer clay never gets wasted - not one little bit. So my failed dragonfly cane ended up recycled as marbled beads!
I can honestly say that I have never taken such an in depth course in all my life! It's a four week course - but once you have subscribed it stays up forever! And I for one will need it too.
The amount of videos showing clear step by step instructions have to be seen to be believed. So much better for someone like me to actually see 'live' how to create each stage of the cane rather than just reading about it! Each project not only comes with videos, but print outs too showing every single stage - an absolute boon for me with a hearing loss! Heather shares all her 'tips and secrets' and there are pages and pages of step by step full colour course notes, with professional photos of each stage. It's awesome - to think that it has taken her years to evolve and develop her amazing techniques through trial and error and she is generously sharing then with us. I have a lever arch file of her A4 pages of instructions - stage by stage - of colour photos for each element and project. Lots of internet links, 'recipes' for each project, inspiration links, mood boards - finished projects with the beads etc.......the list is more than I can type here!
So what I have I been making - well as a beginner - a lot of mess! My old bent fingers aren't as user friendly as they used to be, so my dragon fly cane ended up looking like a squished mosquito. But never fear, I will try again and the polymer clay never gets wasted - not one little bit. So my failed dragonfly cane ended up recycled as marbled beads!
But after 'sitting' on them for a couple of weeks, I realized that in all truthfulness - they do not inspire me one little bit so I will be doing a 'Mr Powers' and mixing them all up into one colour - ready to use again in another project - of which there are many!
I did have some success in the Cattail Cane which restored my confidence.
It will be sliced up thinly and used on lots of projects - along with some other canes - talking of which!
I am mightily pleased with the small leaf cane project
Using translucent cane for the outer 'casing' on these projects means that it will 'disappear' when sliced thinly and laid on a bead or whatever so that you just see the veined leaf!
I might even turn a pair of them, with the addition of a body - into a butterfly pendant!
Or am I getting ideas 'above my station'
Friday, 10 October 2014
Heather Powers amazing polymer clay cane design bootcamp
Well it has taken me a bit of time to get started on this amazing course. But I am feeling a lot better now, and spent a few days 'playing' - well part of the days actually!
Not only do you get step by step videos with Heather demonstrating - and sharing her amazing techniques, but also lots of links, lots and lots of information which truly astounded me. I just thought that it would be a lesson on each of her techniques - but it is so much more than that - and links to sites, lots of her original ideas - and things I would never in a million years would have ever been able to create or imagine you could create with polymer clay - such a cheap product to work with.
The polymer clay I used for the light stripes was meant to turn out a pale cream but sadly as a beginner, I realised (too late) that I should have used less of the gold colour in the mix as it looks totally different than expected.
Not only do you get step by step videos with Heather demonstrating - and sharing her amazing techniques, but also lots of links, lots and lots of information which truly astounded me. I just thought that it would be a lesson on each of her techniques - but it is so much more than that - and links to sites, lots of her original ideas - and things I would never in a million years would have ever been able to create or imagine you could create with polymer clay - such a cheap product to work with.
This is one of my favourite silk scarves which I used for the inspiration for my cane bead lesson.
I just needed to roll this a bit more to make sure that it is perfectly round,
Here they are baking in my little halogen fan oven
Here are some of the baked green beads made using the green and red cane
Here is the red and cream cane
Here is a bead made from it
And the others I made from it too
I used up the 'rubbish' leftovers to make......
These. I am sure that I will never use my first experimental
beads - they look nothing like Heather's
BUT I did have the most amazing, relaxing time playing with polymer clay and experimenting.
If you are interested in joining the group you can click on a link HERE.
Thank you for visiting
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Humblebeads amazing Polymer Clay Cane Design Bootcamp
September 18 - October 9: Polymer Clay Cane Design Bootcamp
Take a four week online course with me to learn how to make a beautiful collection of dragonfly and iris cane beads along with lessons on designing your own canes and finding your voice in polymer clay. Don't miss it! Only 30 spaces are available.
Take a four week online course with me to learn how to make a beautiful collection of dragonfly and iris cane beads along with lessons on designing your own canes and finding your voice in polymer clay. Don't miss it! Only 30 spaces are available.

This course is what 'dreams' are made of.
To get to learn the secrets and techniques from Heather Powers, of how to create these stunning and original beads from polymer clay is not to be missed.
I am off to order the polymer clay, drag out my box of tools and dust off my long neglected halogen oven for my first ever lesson.
I have been 'missing' for quite a while and badly neglected all things creative - so this is just the most amazing opportunity to focus my attention on something just for me. Learn new skills, and made new 'cyber' friends from around the world at the online Boot Camp.
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